모듈 다운로드
curl -O http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/tomcat-connectors-1.2.41-src.tar.gz
[root@nhisct src]# tar -xvf tomcat-connectors-1.2.42-src.tar.gz
[root@nhisct src]# cd tomcat-connectors-1.2.42-src/
[root@nhisct tomcat-connectors-1.2.42-src]# cd native/
[root@nhisct native]# ls
BUILDING.txt README.txt aclocal.m4 buildconf.sh configure.ac netscape
Makefile.am STATUS.txt apache-1.3 common docs scripts
Makefile.in TODO.txt apache-2.0 configure iis
[root@nhisct native]#
[root@nhisct native]# ./buildconf.sh
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: autoconf not found.
You need autoconf version 2.59 or newer installed
to build mod_jk from SVN.
[root@nhisct native]# ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs
/usr/bin/apxs 없는경우 ( /usr/sbin/apxs 이거나 httpd-devel 설치 안된경우일수 있음)
[root@nhisct native]# make
[root@nhisct native]# make install
[root@nhisct native]# cd /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/
[root@nhisct conf.modules.d]# vi 00-jk.conf
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
[root@nhisct httpd]# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
[root@nhisct conf.d]# vi httpd-jk.conf
<IfModule jk_module>
# We need a workers file exactly once
# and in the global server
JkWorkersFile conf.d/workers.properties
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
# Our JK error log
# You can (and should) use rotatelogs here
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
# Our JK log level (trace,debug,info,warn,error)
JkLogLevel info
# Our JK shared memory file
JkShmFile logs/mod_jk.shm
# If you want to put all mounts into an external file
# that gets reloaded automatically after changes
# (with a default latency of 1 minute),
# you can define the name of the file here.
JkMountFile conf.d/uriworkermap.properties
[root@nhisct conf.d]# vi workers.properties
[root@nhisct conf.d]# vi uriworkermap.properties
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